Serwis Informacyjny Branży Turystycznej


Tytuł: Animator Egipt
Dział: Dam pracę
Ważne do: 2013-07-10
Wojew.: --poza-Polską--
Top 1 animation offer We are looking for All round Animation and Kids Animators with or without experiences working in the Red Sea in 5 Stars Hotels, Resorts with 5 stars guest, do a lot of sports activity, start from 10 morning to sunset to be able to contact the guest in the house to join the team for sports activity do a good job together, stars at the night by the night show performing by the animation team, to take the big part of making the guest in house happy and full time entertain the guest in house with sports and shows having a good time all the time * Laundry: Free of charge for the UNIFORM . and private wears. * Uniform. * One day off in the week. * Full accommodation inside the hotel. * Three meals in the main restaurant \'\'5 stars\'\'. * Free drinks all the day + mineral water. Females and males aged between 18-30 years old sportive, good communications skills and good skills of contacts. To get the job contact us and send photo and C.V Phone: +201063678057 E-mail: Mohamed_samirsharm@hotmail.com Nesr_elnagar@hotmail.com Top_1_animation@live.com


Wstawiono: 2013-06-10 00:09:36

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